亚特兰大现代中文学校是美东南最大的非盈利性中文教育机构。学校创办于1992年, 是国务院侨办公布的全球首批58所 “海外华文教育示范学校”之一。创办三十多年来,我们积累了丰富的办学经验,拥有一支教学经验丰富,懂得海外中文教育规律,有献身精神的管理和教师团队。 学校十分重视师资队伍的建设和教学质量的提高。除了每年春秋两季定期举办教师培训,学校还出版教学专刊,鼓励教师之间互相交流经验,提高教学水平。学校注重学生的中文听, 说, 读, 写能力的培养, 强调寓教于乐,用各种生动活泼的形式调动学生的学习兴趣。针对海外中文教学的特点,学校强调整个教学环节中,教师、学生、家长三方面的交流沟通与协调配合。

亚特兰大现代中文学校目前在华人居住集中的地区设有四个校区。现有学生1200多名,教师70多名,开设各类中文班级70多个,绘画、唱歌、跳舞、武术等各类才艺班级及SAT和汉语水平考试(HSK)辅导班20多个。学校学前班招收四岁以上儿童, 普通中文班和中英文双语班招收五岁以上学生。中文班使用暨南大学主编的《中文》作为教材。同时我们也使用《马立平中文》教材。普通中文班学制十年。学生完成十年级的学业后,还可以进入高级中文班(AP中文),在中文阅读和写作方面继续深造。

The Atlanta Contemporary Chinese Academy (ACCA) is a Chinese non-profit education organization, the largest of its type in the southeastern United States. ACCA is one of 58 “Overseas Chinese Education Model Schools”, an honor awarded by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Chinese State Council. In its more than 20 years of operation, ACCA has accumulated large amounts of experience that no other school can match. ACCA has a large team of over 70 teachers who are both experienced and dedicated to educating students about the Chinese language and Chinese culture. ACCA focuses on cultivating students’ skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in Chinese by teaching in a variety of fun and entertaining ways.

Currently, ACCA has four campuses located around Atlanta, with more than 1200 students and 70 teachers. ACCA currently offers more than 110 classes in a variety of subjects from Chinese and SAT prep, to dancing and art. Classes are offered for children starting at 4 years old. Chinese classes use two different sets of textbooks, “Chinese” from Jinan University, and “Ma Li Ping Chinese”. ACCA offers general Chinese classes from grades one to ten, after which students can enroll in AP Chinese courses to continue studying Chinese.


Atlanta Contemporary Chinese Academy (ACCA) strives to be a school that inspires students to grow with their multi-language skills and passion to excel. We strive to meet standards of excellence. We are accredited by the  AdvancED Accreditation commission, the national commission that confers the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA/CASI, SACS/CASI and NWAC) accreditation seal.

  • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)

To find ACCA accreditation from SACS website, login to http://www.sacs.org, Then visit SACS CASItm and search for accredited schools.

What does Accreditation mean to parents?

Through accreditation, ACCA has made a commitment to achieve the highest possible standards in teaching foreign language and culture. Accreditation ensures that we are meeting and exceeding the high accreditation standards unlike many other providers.