- 提高学生中文语言能力及文化,传播中文语言,弘扬中华文化。
- 组织丰富的校内外文化活动,增强民族认同,提升文化自信。
- 积极组织参与社区活动,增加跨文化交流意识,提升其他社区对华人社区的了解。在美国多元文化的环境中,凝聚华人力量,促进美中友好。
作为亚特兰大地区最大及最被认可的青少年儿童中文及文化学习机构,ACCA期望延续在教育领域的成功,尽最大努力培养更多来自各种背景的学生。经过不断地努力,目前学校的课程设计已达到了由美国外国语言教育委员会设定的5Cs 标准(沟通、文化、联系、对比及社区)。学校通过合理收费并提供高水准的语言课程,始终关注学生的成长。
- 鼓励学习
- 注重启发
- 提升创造力
- 宣扬诚实
- 尊重他人
- 促进文化了解
- 尊重多元文化
- 每个学生都有能力学习中文。
- 学习是一个老师与学生之间共同合作的过程。
- 学习的最佳效果是基于老师和学生互相信任和尊重的基础上达到的。
- 学生应该利用机会来观察、练习及互相帮助。
- 只有使学生达到学习效果的教学才是有效的。
- 老师需持续寻求如何提高教学质量及技巧才能达到高水准的教学。
- 教学与练习要与学生兴趣及能力相符合才能达到有效的学习效果。
- 家长的参与对孩子的学习有至关重要的影响。
- 课程规划及大纲应在文化上和学术上相一致。
- 向老师及教务人员提供培训机会,有助于确保教学质量和服务。
- 创新的教育方法和有选择性的课程能提高学习效率。
Purpose Statement
Atlanta Contemporary Chinese Academy (ACCA) is committed to promoting the Chinese language, culture, and heritage through education of students. It seeks to increase multicultural awareness, to develop a better understanding between Chinese and other communities, and to promote Sino-US friendship. ACCA is dedicated to student success by
providing top-notch foreign language education at affordable prices.
Vision Statement
As one of the largest and most recognized schools for Chinese language and culture in Metropolitan Atlanta, we expect to continue our excellence in educating as many students as we can, regardless of their race or ethnicity, or skill. We use an effective curriculum that is designed by following 5Cs standards established by National Standards in Foreign Language Education (Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities).
Our Core Values
- Respect for learning
- Respect for inspiration
- Respect for creativity
- Respect for honesty
- Respect for others
- Respect for cultural awareness
- Respect for cultural appreciation
Shared Beliefs about Teaching and Learning
At ACCA, we share the following beliefs about teaching and learning:
- All students can learn and everyone is capable of learning Chinese.
- Learning is a collaboration between teachers and students.
- Learning happens best when student-teacher relationships are based on mutual trust and respect.
- Students need to have the opportunity to observe, practice and teach each other.
- Teaching is only effective when it results in students learning.
- Teaching excellence is achieved when teachers reflect on and seek to continuously improve their teaching.
- Aligning teaching practices with student interest and ability will yield positive learning results.
- Parent involvement is critical for children’s learning success.
- Program curriculum needs to be culturally and academically appropriate.
- Providing training opportunities to teachers and administration staff helps assure the quality of teaching and services.
- Innovative teaching approaches and selective curriculum promote effective learning.
In addition, ACCA promotes beliefs in excellence, continuous learning, cultural awareness and appreciation, on-going assessment and social responsibility. We believe our strong partnerships with parents and the community continue to enhance our ability to provide quality education for present and future.